Foto - Foto Badai Petir di Bawah Bima Sakti


London – Menggelegar di bawah kosmik Bima Sakti, gambar badai petir ini mampu memesona setiap orang yang melihatnya. Seperti apa?
Fotografer Randy Halverson (43) ‘menguntit tersangka’ di ladang jagung di Kennebec, South Dakota, Amerika Serikat (AS), demi mendapat gambar terbaik malam berbintang dan berbadai menakjubkan ini.
Twinkle twinkle little lightning storm: The incredible photographs have captured the Milky Way gazing down on a spectacular weather system

Tampak bintang di Bima Sakti bersinar seperti permata di langit sembari badai petir berkecepatan 100km/jam membakar horizon. “Badai ini sangat mengejutkan. Badainya sangat cepat dan kuat. Bahkan saya khawatir perlengkapan saya terbawa angin dan basah,” ujarnya seperti dilaporkan Dailymail.
Heavens above: Randy was hit by 60mph winds as he took the stunning pictures of stars and storm

Randy menggunakan teknik khusus yang disebut timelapse guna menangkap gambar menakjubkan ini. Randy menahan rana kameranya agar terus terbuka selama 30 detik untuk menangkap cahaya bintang dan petir.

Snap happy: Randy held the shutter of his camera open for up to 30 seconds to capture the light from the Milky Way

Awe-inspiring: In this photograph the storm has moved off into the distance, allowing the stars in the Milky Way to shine through even more brightly

Spectacular field of vision: The powerful storm approaches, turning the sky purple

sumber :

Posted by Cerita Unik on 07.50. Filed under , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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